Traffic Ticket Attorney

How Much Does A Traffic Ticket Lawyer Cost? Use The Traffic Attorney Calculator

Traffic Ticket Lawyer Calulator

Unfortunately you are one of the millions of drivers not so lucky enough to get a traffic ticket. You’ve considered your options and don’t want to pay it and the thought of traffic school makes you cringe. You’re going to hire a traffic ticket lawyer and fight it! You probably have a bunch of questions […]

Traffic Attorney Report: Broward County & Fort Lauderdale By The Numbers

In 2017, Broward County was the second most populated county in Florida with a population of 1,935,878. This makes it the 17th most populous county in the country and it’s expected to be home to 2.1 million people by 2022. Located between Miami Dade and Palm Beach Counties, it has 1,205 square miles along the […]

Traffic Attorney Report: Palm Beach County By The Numbers

Palm Beach County’s estimated population is 1,471,150 with a growth rate of 5.18% in the past year according to the most recent census data. It’s Atlantic coastline is approximately 47 miles long and It consists mainly of barrier islands and peninsulas, including Jupiter, Singer and Palm Beach Island. This makes it the 3rd largest county […]

Traffic Attorney Report: Miami-Dade County By The Numbers

With a population of 2,751,796, the county of Miami-Dade has the largest population in Florida. It is also home to 36 incorporated cities, including the mile wide and 9 miles long city of Miami Beach where 92,307 people reside and millions of people visit a year. It’s also home to smaller cities with their own police […]

Traffic Attorney Report: Orlando & Orange County By The Numbers

Orange county FL has roughly 1.2 million people spread over 1003 square miles. It’s home to well known cities like Orlando, the University of Central Florida and Disney World. Millions of people travel through for business and pleasure each year. Many take highways like I4 or the Turnpike and some unfortunately get traffic tickets. Orange […]

Top 5 Scenic Drives in Florida

Florida is home to thousands of miles of roads and coast line. Someone can easily get lost exploring all of the amazing places from Key West to Pensacola. The Ticket Clinic’s lawyers have travelled all over the state serving our clients in every Florida county. Throughout the years, we’ve clocked thousands of miles and seen […]

SunPass Might Owe You Money Here’s Why

The State has recently announced that they will be withholding all payments to the vendor in charge of SunPass, the electronic toll system that manages transactions for many roads throughout Florida. The reason? A laundry list of performance issues, millions of dollars in backlogged transactions and a bunch of pissed off drivers who received overdraft […]

Where You’re Most Likely To Get A Speeding Ticket In Florida

In 2017, 46% of speeding tickets were written in the “Big 6” counties Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, Orange, Duval and Hillsborough. Not surprisingly, the most ticket volume comes from the most heavily populated and visited areas of the state. All of our data comes from the Annual Uniform Traffic Citation Report. Since 2013, Broward county […]

4 Useful Resources For Drivers Involved In an Accident

Traffic accidents have rose a staggering 77% in the state of Florida in just six years. As these stats grow with no relief in sight, we’ve compiled a list of helpful things that could be used in, after or during an accident situation that could lessen the impact or even save your life. Call The […]

Just Got In A Traffic Accident – Now What Should I Do?

Screeeeech, crash, bang – insert your favorite onomatopoeia for a traffic accident here – you just got in a car wreck. Now what should you do? First and foremost, STOP. Leaving the scene of an accident in Florida is a felony, even if there is very little property damage and no injuries. Worse, leaving the […]