Traffic Ticket Attorney

For lawyers

Are you a lawyer – Let our firm refer traffic ticket cases to you!

Over 35 years, we’ve began to notice that our clients get tickets all over the country. Hence, we are looking for lawyers who can assist us by handling local traffic ticket case loads in strategic areas. The Ticket Clinic’s brand recognition and reputation is unmatched and the demand for our services in new regions grows every year. Our traffic ticket lawyer affilates can reap the benefits of our marketing and simply worry about working cases.

Does this sound good to you?

Say NO to referral services & “marketing fees”

Other referral services are NOT law firms! In certain states, they are not even allowed to legally operate. Our cases are NOT leads that you need to sell and we will never charge you any sneaky “marketing fees.” Since The Ticket Clinic is a REAL LAW FIRM with REAL CASES, we share with you a percentage of our fees from any cases we send you.

Less selling, less admin work, more lawyering

Spend more time working cases and less time selling and marketing. All payments and admin work is handled by our well trained support staff. Focus on winning cases and keeping our stellar reputation as the largest traffic ticket firm in the nation.