Traffic Ticket Attorney

Learned From Watching Florida Police Vlogs Part 1

January 11, 2024

In 2024, Police Departments across the world have taken to social media as an educational tool to deter crime and raise awareness for public safety issues. Florida has some great examples and there’s some great content out that’s genuinely entertaining even if you’re not a traffic ticket lawyer. We went deep into the rabbit hole and watched hours of this content in order to get the perspective from the side of law enforcement. We found plenty of things we’d like to share with the motorists of the Sunshine State. Below find the first installment of learnings from watching police vlogs.

Saying you’re sorry and admitting guilt won’t get you out of a ticket

To lead things off this clip from Coral Springs shows that being overly apologetic won’t help your case. Watch till the end for the moment that made the traffic lawyer’s head explode. Never admit to guilt!

How An Officer Would Like You To Behave During A Traffic Stop (and how it could impact your result)

In this example from Coral Springs, an Officer explains how your behavior during a traffic stop could impact how he/she deals with it. Your behavior could be a big factor in the officer’s decision on giving you a ticket.

Illegal tint is asking for trouble

We didn’t exactly just learn this. We’ve seen it so many times over the years in our practice and it was validated even more during our police video research. Law enforcement will pull someone over for illegal tint and it will turn into a much bigger legal issue with multiple offenses. Check out this example of a driver with a illegal tints getting plucked from the roadside. They ended up having marijuana but the initial reason for the stop was for the tint. One of the most common ways to get stopped is for illegal tint!!!

How The Radar Works In Cruisers

Again we didn’t just learn about how radar’s work but here’s what it looks like in action.

How To Really Make A Traffic Officer Angry

Another thing that’s not going to favor well with police? Endangering children by not having a car seats. From all the police videos we watched nothing ticked off the officer more than this.

You can get a parking ticket on the water

In this example from Hollywood’s Marine Unit, we learned that you must be careful where you leave your dinghy. Turns out you can get a “parking ticket” for tying up in the wrong place.

As you can see, Police Vlogs are filled with entertaining and educational nuggets that could help you stay better informed and even learn a thing or two that might get you out of a ticket. Stay tuned for the next installment as we don’t see this onslaught of content from police agencies stopping anytime soon.