School zone speed camera
Fight Your Speed Camera Ticket
During the 2024-2025 school year, many different cities within Florida began aggressively rolling out speed camera systems in school zones. While it sounds like a great idea at first glance, these systems are error-ridden and unjustly issuing millions of dollars worth of tickets. Whether these systems that issue nominal $100 fines make an impact is debatable. Meanwhile, it’s undeniable these cameras are issuing citations based on footage that is often unclear, misinterpreted, or outright inaccurate. People are getting fined when they weren’t even breaking the law. That’s where we step in.
Yes, You Can Fight Them
On Jan 28th 2025, our lawyers successfully challenged the first Florida school zone camera tickets in court resulting in dismissals for each client. We are currently taking on these cases and have developed defenses that will expose the lack of human oversight and errors. These school zone cameras have a long way to go before they can be considered a fair and reliable tool for traffic enforcement. Right now, they’re issuing fines left and right without the proper safeguards in place.
Save $5 on your case! Hire us online and use the code “NOPHONE5OFF.”
Hiring A Traffic Attorney To Fight Your Ticket Could Make The Difference
Going to traffic court alone is a stressful endeavor. The Ticket Clinic’s lawyers go to court for you and our team will keep you updated on the progress while you relax. Experience can make a difference in ensuring your case has a successful result.