Abogados de Tráfico y Tickets

Polk County

The Ticket Clinic Polk County

Our experienced traffic ticket defense lawyers believe that almost any case can be won. First, we will carefully examine the evidence and other factors involved with your case. Then, we will diligently look for every way possible to reduce your fine and minimize the effects on your driving record and insurance rates. Under certain circumstances, we may even be able to get your charges dismissed, entirely. The knowledgeable traffic ticket lawyers and traffic attorneys at The Ticket Clinic in Polk County will do whatever it takes to ensure the best possible outcome for you. We have successfully handled all types of traffic violations in the state of Florida for 30 years.

Under certain conditions, a ticket could cost you thousands of dollars in higher insurance premiums. Those insurance rate hikes will continue for more than 3 years after you pay that traffic ticket in Polk County. That’s why it can be so crucial that you effectively defend yourself against a traffic ticket, even if it’s your first violation.

Got A Polk County Traffic Ticket? The Traffic Lawyers at The Ticket Clinic Can Assist With Your Case

Being cited for a traffic offense in Polk County may be more complicated than you think. Paying the fine isn’t your only concern. The Florida DMV will place points on your record for most traffic infractions. If you already have a critical number of points, you could have your license suspended or revoked, depending on the circumstances. The traffic ticket lawyers and auto accident attorneys at The Ticket Clinic in Polk County are here to help you try to lessen or, in some cases, avoid the consequences by getting the traffic citation dismissed.

Whatever your circumstances may be, whether you have a spotless driving record, or have an accumulation of points piled up, you need to do what is in your best interest going forward. If you have a clean record, you want to keep it that way, if possible. On the other hand, if you already have points on your record, one ticket could lead to loss of your license or much higher insurance rates among other negative consequences. Let the traffic violation attorneys and car crash lawyers at Polk County show you how to best protect your driving record and reduce the negative effects on your future.

Just how many traffic tickets are handed out in Polk County? Nuestros abogados de multas de tráfico analizaron los datos de las citaciones de tráfico de 2017. Puedes leer más en nuestro informe.

Hire a Traffic Offense Attorney in Polk County at The Ticket Clinic

Our experienced traffic ticket lawyers believe that almost any case can be won. First, we will carefully examine the evidence and other factors involved with your case. Then, we will diligently look for every way possible to reduce your fine and minimize the effects on your driving record and insurance rates. Under certain circumstances, we may even be able to get your ticket dismissed, entirely. The knowledgeable traffic ticket lawyers at The Ticket Clinic in Polk County will do whatever it takes to ensure the best possible outcome for you. We have successfully handled all types of traffic violations in the state of Florida for over 30 years.

Los abogados de The Ticket Clinic manejan diferentes tipos de problemas relacionados con multas de tráfico, como:

  • Multas por exceso de velocidad
  • Exceso de velocidad para evitar el arresto
  • Exceso de velocidad en una zona en construcción
  • Exceso de velocidad en una zona escolar
  • Conducir de manera descuidada e imprudente
  • Conducir después de consumir alcohol si el conductor tiene menos de 21 años
  • Conducir cuando la licencia ha sido suspendida o revocada
  • Conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol o drogas (DUI)
  • Conducir bajo los efectos de sustancias intoxicantes (DWI)
  • Conducir con un nivel de alcohol en la sangre de 0.08% o más
  • Conducir con el registro vencido
  • Homicidio agravado por vehículo
  • Choque y fuga
  • Homicidio culposo o homicidio negligente involucrando un vehículo motorizado
  • Carreras
  • No ceder el paso a vehículo de emergencia
  • No ceder el derecho de paso
  • No tener seguro de responsabilidad civil
  • No detenerse ante una sirena
  • Pasarse de largo un autobús escolar detenido
  • Pasarse un semáforo en rojo
  • No respetar una señal de alto

It’s important to understand that just because you’ve been charged with a traffic offense, doesn’t necessarily mean that you are automatically guilty. You have the right to question the validity of the charges leveled against you. The knowledgeable car crash lawyers at The Ticket Clinic in Polk County are here to help you plead your innocence and confront the evidence. Our lawyers know the Polk County traffic court system and exactly what needs to be done to help you get the best possible outcome. Depending on your situation, you could get a reduced fine, less impact on your driving record and insurance rates or, in some cases, get your charges dropped altogether.

También lea Violation Points and How to Reduce the Impact of a Traffic Ticket

¿Tiene, The Ticket Clinic, abogados de infracciones de tráfico y abogados de DUI cerca de mí?

The Ticket Clinic has traffic ticket lawyers and car crash attorneys located right in the Polk County who are here to help you. We can show you that hiring an attorney does not necessarily have to be expensive. At The Ticket Clinic our fees are reasonable especially if you consider the cost of the ticket, increased insurance premiums, and other various costs that could be involved in your situation. It costs you nothing to talk to someone at The Ticket Clinic. We offer FREE phone consultations to drivers in the Polk County. Take steps to protect one of your most valuable assets, your driver’s license. Don’t risk jeopardizing what the state of Florida considers to be a privilege, the freedom and convenience of being able to drive.

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